Holter Monitor

A Holter monitor is a small, wearable device that keeps track of your heart rhythm. Your doctor may want you to wear a Holter monitor for two to fourteen days. During that time, the device records all of your heartbeats. A Holter monitor test is usually performed after a traditional test to check your heart rhythm (electrocardiogram,) especially if the electrocardiogram doesn't give your doctor enough information about your heart's condition. Your doctor uses information captured on the Holter monitor to figure out if you have a heart rhythm problem. If standard Holter monitoring doesn't capture your irregular heartbeat, your doctor may suggest a wireless Holter monitor, which can work for weeks.

What to Expect During Your Test

You will check in at the out-patient registration desk and then be sent to Respiratory Care. The Holter monitor will be placed on you by the respiratory therapist. This monitor will record the patient’s heart rate and pattern for 24 to 48 hours.  The patient is responsible to keep a diary of their activity and symptoms during the 24-hour monitoring period and return the dairy with the monitor. After the test is complete, you remove it and mail it, along with the accompanying diary. 

The monitor and diary will be sent to a center that will scan and send a report to the Respiratory Therapy department.  RT will print the report and send it to a cardiologist to have the final reading done, and to your primary care provider who ordered the test.  Your provider will call you to discuss  the results.  This process will take approximately 14 days.